
Development of a recombinant Metarhizium anisopliae chitinase as a mosquitocidal agent for the control of malaria On track

We hope to develop novel biocidal agent against mosquito through recombinant DNA technology

Achieving African Union Science Hub Infrastructure for Regional Cooperation in Nigeria: Lessons from EU On track

The project is still at the proposal stage.


The project targets the establishment of a research infrastructure (science hub) that will be a capacity building facility for conducting researches that will address the education and health challenges bedeviling Africa. Emphases will be on the nature and forms of health and education crises bedeviling Africa as well as the availability and adequacy of human resources for addressing this menace....

EU-Nigeria Network for aflatoxin Mitigation and Control (EU-NAMC) On track

Research Project Title:

EU-Nigeria Network for aflatoxin mitigation and control (EU-NAMC)- Interdisciplinary Research Hubs for development of innovative mitigation strategy for the management and control of Aflatoxin and toxigenic moulds in maize and groundnut value chain in Nigeria 

Research Theme: CAPACITIES FOR SCIENCE capacities for science (human capital

development, science for policy, open science, and gender)

Submitted by Dr. Yemisi A. Jeff-Agboola, Reader, Ph.D.  Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Science, University of Medical Science, (UNIMED) Ondo, Nigeria-Nigeria Principal Investigator

Executive Summary:

The objective of this study is to recognize the fundamental technological, socioeconomic, and policy elements that support aflatoxin contamination that causes export restrictions on agricultural products from Nigeria which are categorized as high-risk crops, including groundnut, maize, cocoa, and some spices. It also aims to find a long-term solution to the aflatoxin (poison) contamination issue through research and awareness campaigns in Nigeria. 

Aflatoxin contamination of food and feed is a major issue due to the potentially serious effects on both human and animal safety as well as world health. Numerous fungi-produced toxins are widely recognized to have potent side effects, including those that are antinutritional, immunosuppressive, hepatotoxic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic.

Maize, cocoa, and groundnuts are the agricultural products in Nigeria that are most vulnerable to fungal infection and the subsequent buildup of aflatoxins. Although a few other commodities may occasionally experience contamination problems depending on processing and storage conditions, among all the major agri-food commodities in Nigeria, maize and groundnut provide the most difficult scenario.

Constraints on awareness: Aflatoxin contamination and poisoning are made worse by a lack of understanding of the problem among many farmers, food and feed processors, decision-makers, and consumers. Aflatoxin-related problems have not received priority attention in Nigeria, likely due to a lack of funding or a lack of knowledge about the potential health effects of consuming human and animal feed and food contaminated with aflatoxin. Aflatoxins are not explicitly addressed in Nigerian policy. As a result, there are no set standards for aflatoxin; nonetheless, Nigeria does rely on standards imported, particularly from the EU. A severe issue in Nigeria is the lack of technology, staff, and aflatoxin research efforts to examine aflatoxin in corn. 

Awareness barriers: Lack of knowledge about aflatoxin issue among many farmers, food and feed processors, decision-makers, and consumers exacerbates aflatoxin contamination and poisoning. Lack of financing or ignorance of the possible health implications of consuming human and animal feed and food contaminated with aflatoxin are considered to be the main reasons why aflatoxin-related issues have not gotten priority attention in Nigeria. The policy of Nigeria does not specifically address aflatoxins. There are no established standards for aflatoxin as a result; nonetheless, Nigeria does rely on imported standards, mainly from the EU. The absence of equipment, personnel, and research efforts to analyze aflatoxin in agricultural items is a serious problem in Nigeria.

The majority of Nigerian institutions have a significant shortage of trained personnel for managing and analyzing aflatoxin. The majority of farmers, traders, service providers, decision-makers, and consumers still don't understand the problem. There aren't enough labs in Nigeria to do mycotoxin analysis. It is absolutely necessary to train scientists and researchers in aflatoxin management and control. Nigerian scientists will gain from training in order to participate in global initiatives to better comprehend and resolve related problems.

In Nigeria, more than 76% of agricultural products are rejected by European Union because many farmers are not able to meet the standard aflatoxin requirement (Imade et al. 2021; Jallow et al. 2021) This concern does not only affect the economic consequences in the country, but also a source of concern over the continued risk to public health.

There is an urgent need to assess the level of aflatoxigenic moulds and aflatoxin contamination in maize which is used for human and animal consumption most especially poultry feed. [CVV1] 

Aflatoxins which can be better described as "poison" in food are often referred to as toxic and carcinogenic substances[CVV2]  as described by IARC working group (Bullerman 2003; Waśkiewicz 2014)The production of Aflatoxins by toxigenic A. flavus and A. parasiticus has been linked to several human illnesses, such as hepatocellular carcinoma.

Nigeria is one of the countries highly affected by aflatoxins. One-third (31%) of maize and 51% of groundnut kernels intended for human consumption are contaminated with aflatoxins[CVV3]   more than the EU regulation. Over 70% of post-harvest losses in maize are due to 'aflatoxin' contamination. Therefore, it is very critical to find a lasting solution to reduce this type of losses[CVV4] .[O5] 

The most promising strategy currently being used to reduce the introduction of non-aflatoxin (biocontrol) A. flavus into the crop environment is currently the most promising technique for reducing preharvest aflatoxin contamination of crops (Ehrlich 2014). 

The aim of this study is to develop research innovative and smart mitigation strategies on the control of toxigenic Aspergillus flavus mould and aflatoxin production in maize and groundnut values chains which will boost maize production for food security and wealth creation in Nigeria. 

In Nigeria, more than 76% of agricultural products are rejected by European Union because many farmers are not able to meet the standard aflatoxin requirement (Imade et al. 2021; Jallow et al. 2021) This concern does not only affect the economic consequences in the country, but also a source of concern over the continued risk to public health.

There is an urgent need to assess the level of aflatoxigenic moulds and aflatoxin contamination in maize which is used for human and animal consumption most especially poultry feed. [CVV6] 

Aflatoxins which can be better described as "poison" in food are often referred to as toxic and carcinogenic substances[CVV7]  as described by IARC working group (Bullerman 2003; Waśkiewicz 2014)The production of Aflatoxins by toxigenic A. flavus and A. parasiticus has been linked to several human illnesses, such as hepatocellular carcinoma.

Nigeria is one of the countries highly affected by aflatoxins. One-third (31%) of maize and 51% of groundnut kernels intended for human consumption are contaminated with aflatoxins[CVV8]   more than the EU regulation. Over 70% of post-harvest losses in maize are due to 'aflatoxin' contamination. Therefore, it is very critical to find a lasting solution to reduce this type of losses[CVV9] .[O10] 

The most promising strategy currently being used to reduce the introduction of non-aflatoxin (biocontrol) A. flavus into the crop environment is currently the most promising technique for reducing preharvest aflatoxin contamination of crops (Ehrlich 2014).  The antifungal efficacies of some medicinal plants can be investigated using agar well diffusion technique and minimum inhibitory concentration. (Jeff-Agboola and Awe 2016)[CVV11] , 

 Due to the impact of chemical preservatives on human and animal health, various efforts have been undertaken to develop effective, healthful, safer, and natural food preservatives. As a result, researchers have concentrated on the use of natural and plant extracts as antimicrobial agents for food preservation and biocontrol agents. [CVV12] 

Statement of problems

Aflatoxins are serious threat and chronic problem in agricultural and health system in Nigeria. Large doses of aflatoxins lead to acute poisoning (aflatoxicosis) that can be life threatening and lead to cancer. [CVV13] Outbreaks of acute liver failure (jaundice, lethargy, nausea, death) have been observed in human populations.

If research is not applied broadly to address this problem caused by ingestion of food and feed contaminated with aflatoxin, serious negative consequences will result. Many food products exported from Nigeria are not accepted to some European countries due to the high level of contamination with aflatoxins. Over 10,000 metric ton of maize which is unsold annually due to contamination from aflatoxin in Nigeria.[CVV14] 

Traditional chemical and physical methods [CVV15] have failed to eradicate aflatoxins from food and poultry feed. “Already in-use and emerging physical methods, such as pulsed electric fields and other nonthermal treatments as well as interventions with chemical agents such as acids, enzymes, gases, and absorbents in animal husbandry have been demonstrated as effective in reducing mycotoxins in feed and food” (Sipos et al. 2021).The use of synthetic chemicals can result in significant drug resistance as well as substantial environmental and health issues (Kumar et al. 2017).


  • Increase comprehension of aflatoxin and other mycotoxins through training of Nigerian stakeholders.  
  • Assist with a strategy and design of baseline surveillance of aflatoxin across targeted products, as well as standardization of data collection and quality control.   
  • Increase knowledge on management and control of aflatoxin at pre-harvest, harvest, and post-harvest storage, as well as processing techniques to reduce aflatoxin to increase trade in international markets.    
  • Development of laboratory standard operating manual for 1) simple identification of mold growth in agricultural crops, processed food and feed and 2) the use of quick screening equipment such as Afla check or any lateral flow device for detection of aflatoxin to reduce the rigorous analysis
  • Development of bio-control agents against aflatoxin production in agricultural commodities during storage and post-harvest storage

Statement of problem: 

  • Aflatoxins are serious threat and chronic problem in agricultural and health system in Nigeria
  • Large doses of aflatoxins lead to acute poisoning (aflatoxicosis) that can be life threatening
  • Outbreaks of acute liver failure (jaundice, lethargy, nausea, death) have been observed in human populations
  • It has been observed that “the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has reported 389 Nigerian agriculture export shipments have been rejected by the European Union between 1980 and 2016 with 39 percent of it due to aflatoxin contamination” 
  • “The United Nations body further revealed that its 2016 study showed that the country recorded 2,437 new cases of aflatoxin-induced liver cancer yearly, possibly leading to yearly financial loss of up to $997 million” 

If research is not applied broadly to address this problem caused by ingestion of food and feed contaminated with aflatoxin, serious negative consequences will result. Many food products exported from Nigeria are not accepted to some European countries due to the high level of contamination with aflatoxins. Over 10,000 metric tonnes of maize which is unsold annually due to contamination from aflatoxin in Nigeria. 

Traditional chemical and physical methods [CVV16] have failed to eradicate aflatoxins from food and poultry feed. “Already in-use and emerging physical methods, such as pulsed electric fields and other nonthermal treatments as well as interventions with chemical agents such as acids, enzymes, gases, and absorbents in animal husbandry have been demonstrated as effective in reducing mycotoxins in feed and food” (Sipos et al. 2021).The use of synthetic chemicals can result in significant drug resistance as well as substantial environmental and health issues (Kumar et al. 2017).

Specific objectives

The main objective of this study is to examine the level of aflatoxin contamination in maize, ground nut values chain and maize-based food in Nigeria and at the same time harness the potential of some natural plants (Tithonia diversitifolia, Cinnamomum Lauraceae, Azadirachta indica, Ocimum basilicum, Ocimum gratissimum, Cymbopogon citratus, Gossypium, Vernonia amygdalina, Moringa oleifera, Sphenostylis stenocarpa, Carica papaya, Ficus exasperata, Theobroma cacao, Manihot esculenta, Mangifera indica and Psidium guajava) indigenous to Nigeria which possess anti-mycotic properties that could be commercially developed and to make them accessible for potential applications in controlling aflatoxin in maize and ground nuts. In this proposed study, international team of researchers is being brought together to develop a bio-control formulation against aflatoxin production in field, during storage and processing. The positive impact of bringing multistate effort will ensure a thorough approach to access the level of aflatoxin contamination in maize.

To accomplish this aims, this study will utilize a thought-provoking interdisciplinary approach which will address the following associated objectives: 

(1) investigate the gene expression profile of some A. flavus indigenous to Nigeria for functional anti-carcinogenic and anti-mycotoxigenic properties that could eliminate aflatoxins through gene disruption for a sustainable food system. 

(2) Isolate, characterize and develop the most promising candidates of non-toxigenic A. flavus as inoculum using DNA-based approaches

The purpose of aims 1 and 2 above is to identify a suitable non-toxigenic A. flavus that can be inoculated into cassava pellets formulated from cassava peels which will support the growth of isolated non-toxigenic A flavus that will out-compete against toxigenic A. flavus in maize during germination in the field. 

  1. to assess the efficacies of the medicinal plant extracts against A. flavus and aflatoxin in-vitro

  2. determine the efficacies of the plant extracts in vivo using broilers fed dietary treatments from hatch to day 21, this will assist in determining the toxicity level of the extracts in the organs since maize is the major ingredient used in poultry feed formulation. 

5) Evaluate the level of aflatoxin contamination in maize and ground nuts grains in Nigeria.

  1. Involve food safety associations, policy, and regulatory bodies to create seamless policy formulations, regulatory decisions and generate massive awareness about the study outcomes and implications on safe national aflatoxin contamination levels in the country, on food preservation and related practices; in collaboration with Mycotoxicology society of Nigeria, Voice of Women in the Development of Agriculture and National Agency for Food & Drug Administration & Control (NAFDAC)  and also to scale-up the bio-control agents for commercialization/privatization uptake with the registration of the biocontrol agent with NAFDAC.


Research questions

Questions and answers on how to reduce or eliminate aflatoxin contamination in maize-based foods.

What is the major cause of liver cancer and what are the impact of aflatoxins on human and poultry performances? To what extent are Nigerian foods contaminated with aflatoxin?

Can natural alternative/preservatives be used to replace chemical preservatives during storage and production of maize-based foods?

Literature review

[O18] [CVV19] 

Aflatoxins have been most widely studied as causative agents of liver cancer, but they are difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat (Jallow et al. 2021; Mahato et al. 2019)

Dangerous AF contaminations can occur at any phase in the feed and food chain, from field cultivation to the ultimate usage of a wide range of plant items, including cereals, nuts, spices, and fruits (Daou et al. 2021; Karlovsky et al. 2016). After intake and absorption from the stomach, AFs are carried into many bodily areas of animals and humans, and they can even be chemically changed, giving rise to a slew of further harmful derivatives (Abdelmotilib et al. 2018; Agnes and Akbarsha 2003; Ahlberg, Joutsjoki, and Korhonen 2015; Alshannaq and Yu 2017; Alsharif, Choo, and Tan 2019; Amaike and Keller 2011; Jangampalli Adi and Matcha 2018; Peles et al. 2019; Yu and Alkhayyat 2014). These hazardous substances, such as AFM1, will ultimately be expelled and may even be found in milk. Dangerous indirect AFM1 contaminations of milk and dairy products have been recorded in alarmingly large numbers in the literature, as have direct AF contaminations of milk products by fungi and their mycotoxins (Frazzoli et al. 2016; Opinion of the Scientific Panel on contaminants in the food chain [CONTAM] related to Aflatoxin B1 as undesirable substance in animal feed 2004; Santini et al. 2013),

Theoretical framework

Although the Principal Investigator has conducted early research on the utilization of cassava peels as a formulation for biological control of aflatoxin. In addition, the Mycotoxicology Society of Nigeria and NAFDAC has held several conferences on aflatoxin mitigation in Nigeria. 

A well-thought-out framework is currently being developed through short, medium, and long-term action plans for various stakeholders to effectively address the problem of aflatoxin contamination in Nigeria. The study focused on the conceptual framework's three key objectives: prevention, mitigation, and adaptation as follows; 

  1. Determining the prevalence of aflatoxins in maize and ground nut in Nigeria, 
  2. Identify opportunities for development of bio-control formulation 
  3. Launch a multi-stakeholder strategy for aflatoxin reduction and elimination. The research would then be translated into potential solutions and a strategy for launching country-led action, including all three sectors: health, agriculture, and trade. This will help to bridge the gap between agriculture, nutrition, and food security. Because of this multi-sectoral approach, it will be a great tool for highlighting aflatoxin contamination and bringing it to the international stage.

Research methodology:[CVV20] 

The research activities will be carried out in Science Laboratory Technology Department, University of Medical Sciences, Ondo.  Testing and analysis on aflatoxins would be conducted in the accredited mycotoxins laboratory of NAFDAC, Ghent University, Mycotoxin Research Laboratory and Cranfield University, UK.[CVV21]  Field trials will be accessed using protocols developed by Veterinary Medicines and Allied Product Directorate of NAFDAC in collaboration with all the stakeholders involved in the research. Awareness creation and sensitization programme on impact of aflatoxin to international trade and health would be conducted in 36 States of Nigeria in collaboration with NAFDAC, Voice of Women in the Development of Agriculture

Agricultural samples will be collected from different farms in 36 States of Nigeria. [CVV22] The samples will be analyzed for the level of aflatoxin occurrence using liquid chromatography coupled mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) equipment. [CVV23] Formulation of Bio-Control agent by using cassava peels will be pelletized using fabricated extruder and inoculated with known amount of spore suspension of non-toxigenic strain of A. flavus 

Different extracts (essential oil, crude water and ethanolic extract) of leave plants from South-West Nigeria. The extraction will be done at the Department of Science Laboratory Technology, UNIMED and will be evaluated [CVV24] against toxigenic A. flavus in vitro against the test organism using the agar diffusion technique, minimum inhibitory concentration, and spore germination assay. 

The in vivo assessment of the plant extracts and bio-control agent will be evaluated using experimental animal. 

The effectiveness of the formulated product will be determined in the field by spraying the product on maize and ground nut farms, and the crops will be harvested and tested for the presence of aflatoxin after germination[CVV25] 

Data Analysis: Data will be analyzed using the General Linear Models procedure of SAS. All statements of significance will be based on the 0.05 level of probability. Means will be separated using new Duncan Multiple Range Test and Turkey test. 

Expected results:

  • Data on the level of aflatoxin contamination of maize and ground nut in Nigeria would be generated
  • Development of bio-control agent against aflatoxin contamination of maize and ground nuts will be formulated
  •  The long-term goal is to help stimulate policymakers to take action to protect agriculture from contamination with aflatoxins in maize and ground nuts. 
  • The capacity of laboratory on mycotoxin research will be bult through this project.
  • Training of researchers about technique in sample collections would be enhanced
  • Training of researchers on how to develop Standard operating Procedures for the identification of aflatoxin in food, feed and feed ingredients will be enhanced
  • The knowledge of the Nigerian citizens will be improved about aflatoxin through sensitization programme

Research team

Research Team 

  • Yemisi A. Jeff-Agboola, Reader, Ph.D.  Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Science, University of Medical Science, (UNIMED) Ondo, Nigeria-Nigeria Principal Investigator
  • Prof. Sarah DeSaeger, the Director, Centre of Excellence in Mycotoxicology & Public Health, Department of Bio-analysis, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ghent University (Belgium)-EU Coordinator
  • Esther Aanuoluwa EKUNDAYO, Senior Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, University of Medical Sciences, Ondo, Nigeria                                                
  • Abimbola O. Adegboye, Director Planning, Research and Statistics, NAFDAC, Ph.D. 
  • OBADINA Adewale Olusegun, Professor, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Nigeria
  • Funmilayo Gbenga-Fabusiwa, Lecturer I, Ph.D, Food Science Department, (UNIMED)
  • Sotayo, Olufemi Peter (Doctoral student), Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Akoka-Yaba, Lagos
  • Jeff-Agboola Excel Oluwajomiloju, Graduate Assistant, Food Science, (UNIMED)
  • Carol Verheecke-Vaessen, Associate Fellow, PhD. Applied Mycology group, Cranfield University, UK.[CVV26] 
  • Few post-graduate students from UNIMED 
  • Mycotoxicology Society of Nigeria 
  • National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)
  • Voice of Women in the Development of will be involved in the extension services with awareness creation 


Abdelmotilib, Neveen et al. 2018. “Aflatoxin M1 Reduction in Milk by a Novel Combination of Probiotic Bacterial and Yeast Strains.” European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety 8(2): 83–99.

Agnes, V. F., and M. A. Akbarsha. 2003. “Spermatotoxic Effect of Aflatoxin B1 in the Albino Mouse.” Food and Chemical Toxicology 41(1): 119–30.

Ahlberg, Sara H., Vesa Joutsjoki, and Hannu J. Korhonen. 2015. “Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Aflatoxin Risk Mitigation.” International Journal of Food Microbiology 207: 87–102.

Alshannaq, Ahmad, and Jae Hyuk Yu. 2017. “Occurrence, Toxicity, and Analysis of Major Mycotoxins in Food.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(6).

Alsharif, Ali Mohamed Ali, Yeun Mun Choo, and Guan Huat Tan. 2019. “Detection of Five Mycotoxins in Different Food Matrices in the Malaysian Market by Using Validated Liquid Chromatography Electrospray Ionization Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry.” Toxins 11(4).

Amaike, Saori, and Nancy P. Keller. 2011. “Aspergillus Flavus.” Annual Review of Phytopathology 49: 107–33.

Bullerman, L.B. 2003. “MYCOTOXINS | Classifications.” Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition: 4080–89.

Daou, Rouaa et al. 2021. “Mycotoxins: Factors Influencing Production and Control Strategies.” AIMS Agriculture and Food 6(1): 416–47.

Ehrlich, Kenneth C. 2014. “Non-Aflatoxigenic Aspergillus Flavus to Prevent Aflatoxin Contamination in Crops: Advantages and Limitations.” Frontiers in Microbiology 5(FEB): 50.

Frazzoli, Chiara et al. 2016. “The Hotspot for (Global) One Health in Primary Food Production: Aflatoxin M1 in Dairy Products.” Frontiers in Public Health 4(FEB). /pmc/articles/PMC5288371/ (February 17, 2022).

Imade, Francis et al. 2021. “Updates on Food and Feed Mycotoxin Contamination and Safety in Africa with Special Reference to Nigeria.” Mycology 12(4): 245–60. (February 16, 2022).

Jallow, Abdoulie et al. 2021. “Worldwide Aflatoxin Contamination of Agricultural Products and Foods: From Occurrence to Control.” Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 20(3): 2332–81.

Jangampalli Adi, Pradeepkiran, and Bhaskar Matcha. 2018. “Analysis of Aflatoxin B1 in Contaminated Feed, Media, and Serum Samples of Cyprinus Carpio L. by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography.” Food Quality and Safety 2(4): 199–204.

Jeff-Agboola, Y. A., and L. B. Awe. 2016. “Antifungal and Phytochemical Screening of Some Nigerian Medicinal Plant Extracts against Toxigenic Aspergillus Flavus.” Cogent Food and Agriculture 2(1).

Karlovsky, Petr et al. 2016. “Impact of Food Processing and Detoxification Treatments on Mycotoxin Contamination.” Mycotoxin Research 32(4): 179–205.

Kumar, Pradeep et al. 2017. “Aflatoxins: A Global Concern for Food Safety, Human Health and Their Management.” Frontiers in Microbiology 7(JAN).

Mahato, Dipendra K. et al. 2019. “Aflatoxins in Food and Feed: An Overview on Prevalence, Detection and Control Strategies.” Frontiers in Microbiology 10.

“Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain [CONTAM] Related to Aflatoxin B1 as Undesirable Substance in Animal Feed.” 2004. EFSA Journal 2(3).

Peles, Ferenc et al. 2019. “Adverse Effects, Transformation and Channeling of Aflatoxins Into Food Raw Materials in Livestock.” Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 2861.

Santini, Antonello et al. 2013. “Aflatoxin M1 in Raw, UHT Milk and Dairy Products in Sicily (Italy).” Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance 6(3): 181–86.

Sipos, Péter et al. 2021. “Physical and Chemical Methods for Reduction in Aflatoxin Content of Feed and Food.” Toxins 13(3). /pmc/articles/PMC7999035/ (February 17, 2022).

Waśkiewicz, A. 2014. “Mycotoxins: Natural Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Food.” Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology: Second Edition: 880–86.

Yu, Jae Hyuk, and Fahad Alkhayyat. 2014. “Upstream Regulation of Mycotoxin Biosynthesis.” Advances in Applied Microbiology 86: 251–78.


Research Project Title:

EU-Nigeria Network for aflatoxin Mitigation and Control (EU-NAMC)- Interdisciplinary Research Hubs for the development of innovative mitigation strategies for the management and control of Aflatoxin and toxigenic molds in maize and groundnut value chain in Nigeria...

Enhancing Multi-Omics Technologies for Vector and Vector-Borne Diseases Research and Innovation in Africa On track

This proposal seeks a Horizon Europe Grant of 1.5 million euros to address the pressing need for advanced research and innovation in the field of vector and vector-borne diseases in Africa. The project aims to significantly enhance the deployment of multi-omics technologies, unlocking new avenues for understanding, preventing, and managing these diseases. The potential impact of this initiative extends beyond regional boundaries, contributing to global health security....










Advancing Citrus Agroforestry through the transformation of Citrus Pulp Waste as Resources for Livestock and Poultry Production On track

In the heartlands of Nigeria, where fertile fields yield bountiful harvests of citrus fruits, a silent challenge looms over the agricultural landscape. It is a challenge not of scarcity but of loss—a loss that sees over 50% of these vibrant fruits withering away in transit between the farms and the bustling urban markets. This loss is disheartening, and it is not an act of nature but rather a consequence of choices made by farmers and middlemen, driven by a quest for higher profits without a consideration for the cost of waste. Amid this challenge lies a beacon of hope which is an understanding that these losses can be redirected toward increasing production while simultaneously curtailing post-harvest losses through a strategic embrace of value addition. It is a shift in mindset, and a call to recognize that the immediate gains of the market may pale in comparison to the long-term cost of wastage. This is the focus of our project which is an ongoing effort targets for submission under the H2030 call for proposal HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01 in collaboration by our project team comprising of researchers from the Federal University of Agriculture Zuru (FUAZ), Federal University Gashua, Kwara State University, Malete, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), and others in Nigeria with UPM-Spain, Tecnalia-Spain, IRTA-Spain, and Apodissi in Nigeria.


Citrus fruits, encompassing oranges, tangerines, mandarins, lemons, limes, and grapefruits, are integral to global agriculture, with oranges leading the citrus production sector. However, despite prominence of citrus fruits, only about 30% undergo processing, primarily for juice production, leaving behind substantial bye-products such as citrus pulp. The inception of citrus production in Nigeria can be traces back to the early 20th century when the Federal Department of Agriculture and missionaries introducing these vibrant fruits in the 1930s (Adigun, 1993). Since that pivotal moment, citrus has flourished across the nation, evolving into the most widely cultivated fruit tree not only within Nigeria but also in various tropical and subtropical regions globally (Meena et al., 2017). Proudly standing as the 9th major citrus fruit-producing country worldwide, Nigeria holds this esteemed position just after Italy and boasts the distinction of being the largest citrus-growing region in Africa, surpassing nations such as Egypt, Morocco, and South Africa according to the reports of the Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO, of the United Nations as the year 2012....

Low carbon Innovation On track

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in the phase of global challenge

Low carbon innovation On track

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In the face of global challenges such as climate change and environmental degradation, the imperative to transition towards a sustainable and low-carbon future has become increasingly evident. Low carbon innovation plays a pivotal role in this transition by fostering the development and adoption of technologies, processes, and business models that significantly reduce carbon emissions and minimize environmental impact....

Comprehensive Assessment and Implementation of Cashew Silvopastoral Systems for Agroforestry Sustainability through Carbon Sequestration and Climate-Resilient Livestock Production in West Africa On track

Making strides in sustainable livestock-agroforestry project in Nigeria, fostering climate-resilient farming, assessing diverse agroecological zones, integrating practices, mitigating emissions, and optimizing feed resources for resilient agriculture. #SustainableFarming #ClimateResilience 🌱🐄


This groundbreaking project revolves around the exploration and implementation of sustainable livestock-agroforestry integration as a transformative approach to enhance climate-resilient farming systems in Nigeria. With a multifaceted agenda, the project unfolds across distinct objectives. First, it will conduct a thorough evaluation of agroforestry systems in diverse agro-ecological zones of Nigeria, aiming to identify the most effective tree-crop-livestock combinations and assess the ecological and socio-economic impacts on smallholder farmers. Subsequently, the project will focus on seamlessly integrating agroforestry practices into existing smallholder livestock production systems, accounting for local contexts, cultural norms, and economic feasibility. Then mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock is a pivotal aspect, leveraging agroforestry to evaluate changes in emission levels, soil carbon sequestration, and overall environmental sustainability. Another critical facet of the project will involve the identification and promotion of climate-resilient livestock breeds through genetic studies and community engagement. Finally, the project will assess the nutritional quality of agroforestry-derived feed resources for animals, aiming to optimize livestock health, milk production, and meat quality. This holistic initiative aspires to contribute significantly to the development of resilient and sustainable farming practices, aligning with global efforts to address climate change and promote food security....

Livestock production systems Project On track

This research will evaluate the impacts of climate change on the livestock production systems of the pastoralists and agropastoralists in Nigeria with a focus on elucidating their perspectives of climate change, gender status, and integration in the livestock production system with respect to climate change, feed resource uses, and availability for livestock in response to climate; and the influence of climate change on performance, phenotypic, genotypic, physiological, and biochemical traits of livestock for the development of adaptive climate-resilient technologies for the pastoralists and agropastoralists. The developed climate-resilient technologies will be transferred to the farmers through training and capacity strengthening sessions....

Energy On track

just on time



Scrum project On track

All tasks are on schedule. The people involved know their tasks. The system is completely set up.


This is a short summary of the goals of this demo Scrum project.

Demo project On track

All tasks are on schedule. The people involved know their tasks. The system is completely set up.


This is a short summary of the goals of this demo project.

Developing novel methods for detecting and characterizing microplastic pollution in Niger Delta Estuary: implications for food safety, human health and aquatic biodiversity Not started

Executive summary

More than 8,000 million metric tons of plastics have been made since the beginning of large-scale production in the 1950s. Because of the omnipresence of plastic products (both micro- and macro-plastics), combined with insufficient waste management and handling practices, plastic debris has entered the environment and is present in practically all ecosystems. It has been detected even in remote locations such as mountain lakes, polar sea ice and islands. The most prominent example of widespread plastic contamination of the environment is provided by the world’s oceans. Research, societal awareness and actions have long focused on marine plastics. The focus of research as well as actions has been expanded to freshwater and terrestrial environments. Rivers and deltas have been identified as major pathways for connecting land-sourced plastics with marine environments. Moreover, rivers and other freshwater bodies such as lakes, deltas and reservoirs are themselves threatened by plastics contamination in the same way as the marine environment. Despite its relevance and a growing body of data and knowledge on freshwater plastics, the current understanding of transport processes, loads and impacts is limited, mainly because data are lacking. Most published data on freshwater plastics are from individual projects which apply different sampling and analytical techniques. This lack of harmonization hampers the comparison and ultimately the synthesis of data. In addition to representing environmental nuisance, these plastic products represent significant sources for contaminants, threat to biodiversity and disease vectors that have been linked to several health problems, including immune disorder, hormone-related cancer and disruption in fertility cycle. Studies in several animal species have suggested that continued exposure to contaminants with endocrine-disrupting potentials such as food packaging materials contribute to the increased prevalence of immune disorder, obesity, cancer related diseases and other health effects. The integration of ecosystem ecology, food safety and human diseases allows us to approach the biggest environmental human health challenges of our time such as plastic pollution from a very new and innovative perspective. This project will bring together research expertise from different research areas to generate empirical knowledge on the environmental and health effects of plastic pollution and develop public outreach program through citizen’s science on the occurrence and distribution of micro- and microplastics in the aquatic environment and macroinvertebrate species, with associated food safety, biota, environmental and human health consequences. Also, this project will further access the distribution of microplastics in surface water, sediment, and aquatic organisms such as macroinvertebrates as well as recent progress in health risk assessments. Finally, we will provide suggestions for future studies on baseline information for better Research and risk assessment of plastics in the Nigerian environment such as focusing on drinking water, sediments, and other consumables. Combined with citizen science approaches, we will be able to understand the distribution and how much exposure inhabitants are to micro- and microplastic pollution and propose mitigation strategies for plastic pollution in Nigeria, particularly Niger Delta Region. For this research project to be achieved, through HORIZON EUROPE FUNDING, the estimated budget will be Four Hundred Thousand Euros (€400, 000, 00).

Objectives of the Research Project

The overall goal of this project will be to detect and characterize plastic (micro and microplastic) pollution in Nigerian ecosystem and their health/physiological impacts on biota. We will also develop citizen-science awareness program for sensitizing society on the consequences of irresponsible dumping of plastic litters in the environment, as a management approach. The specific objectives will be as follows:

  1. To assess the routes of plastics and their ecotoxicological effects on aquatic organisms as well as human.
  2. To determine plastic particles, size-distribution, number, and density across different trophic levels of aquatic organisms (macroinvertebrates such as mollusc, crustaceans and crabs).
  3. To characterize food safety, biota and human health consequences of plastic exposure to aquatic organisms (mollusc, crustaceans and crabs).
  4. To Identify and characterize specific MPs at different habitat and feeding mode of aquatic organisms (mollusc, crustaceans and crabs).
  5. To develop a citizen-science outreach and awareness program for effective mitigation of plastic litters in the environment.

Project Goals

Short-term goals:

The short-term goals of this research proposal will be to demonstrate that:

  1. MPs are ubiquitously present in the aquatic environment.
  2. There are significant species-specific, habit and ecological factors that drive the environmental fate, uptake and trophic transfer of MPs.
  3. MPs particles will show size-distribution, number, and density across different macroinvertebrate trophic levels.
  4. The presence and exposure of MPs in macroinvertebrate species (Mollusc, Crustaceans and Crabs) will have significant consequences for food safety, biota and human health.
  5. Through the development of public outreach and awareness program, a positive influence in combating the discharge of plastic products to the environment with direct plastic waste management and mitigation outcomes can be achieved (see below for long-term goals)

This research will bring together research expertise to develop novel understanding and adapt existing methods for environmental, habitat and interspecies extrapolation with the aim to improve environmental and human health risk assessment of plastics in the environment. On the field study part, we will develop experimental approaches in understanding the bioavailability, distribution and trophic level transfer of MPs and associated contaminants. On the laboratory validation part, we will firstly, use individual compound such as Polyethylene (PE), Polystyrene (PS), Polypropylene (PP), Polyester (PES), Polyvinylchloride (PVC), Polyamide (PA), Acrylic (AC), Polyether (PT), Cellophane (CP) Polyurethane (PU) that are known to be present in plastics and other potential contaminants. Secondly, we will analyze the leachates of actual plastics (i.e. experimentally derived mixtures and whole migrate toxicants) that represent real world exposure scenarios and use these for downstream effect studies. Using macroinvertebrate as a model, we will focus on plastic food in packaging materials. We also will benchmark the toxicity data against documented endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), among others. Through this approach, we will cover more realistic exposure scenarios and at the same time, unravel novel, unknown EDCs leaching from plastics.

Long-term goals:

For the long-term goals, we will through citizens-science, workshops, communication, public outreach and media report that focus on anticipation of the public need, engagement outside academia, responsiveness to the need of society and reflection of science-society interactions, be able to responsibly and effectively participate in dialogues with different parts of society (industry, municipalities, health and environmental professionals, plastic producers and consumers, etc.) to reduce the use and responsible disposal of plastic products. Thus, we will be fulfilling, not only a social contract with society, but also positive feedback on the science and methods of this research project.

Project Outcome

In other to abate the ecological impacts of plastics pollution in the aquatic ecosystem, all stakeholders must make concerted efforts. Governments should fund research that can lead to reduced risks of plastics entering into the environments. The general public (citizens) can be encouraged to explore ways of managing plastic wastes through reuse, recycling and the recovery of resources locked away in these materials for sustainable community development and to minimize the plastics and microplastics load entering the aquatic environment, also industry can adopt the cost-effective reduce-reuse-recycle circular economy. Overall, these efforts will minimize the number of plastics that end up in the environment and impacting both aquatic and human health. Therefore, at the end of this research it will be expected that, we generate important information towards developing the best novel approach that will be used to detect and characterize Microplastic pollution in the Niger Delta Estuary as regards its implications to food safety, human health and aquatic organisms. Results will be communicated as project final report, also published through open access international scientific journals. We will run media seminar reports for sensitization as part of our Responsible Research and Innovation outreach.

Note: More details of the project is in the Full project proposal


Awaiting Funding and all tasks for each team member are on the schedule of the research project.

Digital Storytelling Strategies in Teaching L1 Writing and Reading Skills to JSS Three Students in North-Western Nigeria Finished

The study has been concluded. Based on the outcomes of the study, the study concludes that digital storytelling strategies are effective strategies for teaching L1 writing and reading skills to JSSIII students in Northwestern Nigeria. The findings of the study prove that digital storytelling as a strategy, is benefitable for both gender and amicable to students in the rural communities, and the participants appreciate receiving instruction in their L1. The findings suggest that digital storytelling could be a tool for educators in improving students engagement and learning outcomes.


With the advent of 21st century and with the rapidity with which technology has changed the educational setting, the concept of literacy has also change to include the ability to manipulate digital gadget for educational purposes necessary to remain relevant in the society. This necessity informs the need to integrate information communication technology into the classrooms for educational purposes to align with the modern concept of literacy, bridge the gap between “our” world and “theirs”, and to prepare the students with adequate skills to adapt, compete and thrive in a global digital environment; for advances in computer technology dramatically transformed the modern society to the level where digital devices are becoming indispensable (Chung, 2007; Suleiman, 2011; Garba and Olaofe, 2013). The foregoing is pointing to the fact that, successful living in the 21st century requires children to become skilled communicators and critical thinkers with the abilities that encourage them to access, manage, interact, and tell their own stories digitally in variety of forms and through different forms of digital media presentation (Cassell, 2003; Figg and McCartney, 2010; Turnipseed, 2013). Thus, the justification for proposing this study among JSS III students in the study area....

Large-scale profiling and in vitro characterization of OTX1 functional role on bladder cancer stem cells

Not yet started


Bladder cancer has the highest cost per patient among all cancers due to the high risk of recurrence and the need for life-long routine monitoring as well as therapy. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are hypothesised to be linked to long-term recurrence risk due to its ability to repopulate the entire tumour population in a small number of cells. In addition, CSC as according to the stem cell model, has the property of self-renewal. Thus, only CSC has sufficient time to accumulate adequate genetic mutations that drive the acquisition of resistance against chemo- and radiation-therapy leading to initiation of recurrence. Recently, OTX1 has been shown to be involved in the differentiation of breast CSCs into differentiated cancer cells. The gene is also reported to be involved in other cancers such as subset of B cells in aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphomas, lung cancer and most recently in bladder cancer. Although the involvement of OTX1 in cancers is demonstrated by a limited number of studies, the gene remains to be an interesting candidate for further investigation. We propose that OTX1 may be responsible for the differentiation of CSC and also promote tumour aggressiveness. We plan to establish the expression and localisation patterns of OTX1 gene for Nigerian bladder cancer patients and correlate it with clinical characteristics such as stage and grade; risk of recurrence; disease progression and age. To understand the role of OTX1 in bladder cancer stem cells, the gene will be overexpressed/knocked down in non OTX1 expressing and OTX1 expressing CSCs, respectively, and the resulting phenotypic effects will be compared....